Sunday, August 24, 2008

Mobile Malachi

Malachi is on the move! He can crawl, but he gets around with a combo of crawling, scooting, bouncing and rolling. What he is really getting good at is getting up into a sitting position. He can usually do that from any position (unless he's really tired). My favorite is that he sits up and then kind-of bounces on his butt in an effort to move himself.

The other thing he is already doing is trying to pull himself up. He gets about half way there, so that is not long off. He now has his first pair of shoes in anticipation of all the places out of the house he'll want to put his feet down.

Gabe said...

Before we left Ames, we were all in the car, I don't remember where we were going, and we passed by a utility box. It was a large rectangular box that was up on a concrete block. Gabe said, "Look! A statue of a box!"

Again in the car. I was driving us to my grandma's in St. Louis and I decided to approach the city so that Gabe could see the Arch. I tried to explain to him why the Arch was there, how it was where the pioneers set off from, the "Gateway to the West," and all. I knew he wouldn't get it all, but he always needs to know why. So, we could see the Arch and he was uspet that he couldn't see the bottom. I told him we were still very far away and when we got closer he would see the whole thing. We cross the Mississippi (very exciting) and I say, "Can you see the bottom now?" He said he could and then he said, "But Mommy, I can't see the gate."

Monday, August 4, 2008


Our travels have begun. We are now at Bobbie and Dano's. It is quite the full house right now, there is me, two kids, two grandparents, three cats, two dogs, an Aunt Amanda and a partridge in a pear tree. Okay, maybe not the partridge. But you get the idea. It is a full house. It has been good though. Gabe has been glued to Amanda's side most of the day.

So far we are just settling in, trying to make the kids feel at home. It's easier with Chi. Gabe feels good today because we put some pictures up on his wall. The Post-It note people have done it again. They now make white sketch pads with the sticky strip on the back so we can stick some pictures up on the wall to make it look like his space and then just pull them right back down again when it's time to go, so no push pin holes.

Chi is teething. He has had a sour stomach and I wonder if it isn't related to the extra drool from teething. He's clearly been in some pain lately, but still nothing is coming through.

Matt came with us here, but he is now back in Ames. He'll stay with friends while he finishes up. He'll spend most of his time throwing himself into work. And as much as he will miss us, this amount of time to just work is something he relishes when he can get it. He is still looking for work. He has sent off resumes, had a phone interview with a guy at Ohio State and has a professor that is making some calls on his behalf, so something is bound to come up soon. Even if the start date isn't until later, it would be nice to at least know where we are going.

I am doing fine. I am sure the boys are going to exhaust me. I am not used to be with them all the time! But I think it is good. I know I'll get to be here with Chi when he crawls (and he's close) and help Gabe with all the things he is trying to learn. The last day at the church was very emotional. I miss them already. But overall I am okay with moving on. It was more than a job though, so it will take time.