It is amazing that we are so close to the end of all of our upheaval! By the end of the week we will be living in our new apartment (back in Ames) and Matt will begin work as a post-doctoral researcher. He's been job hunting and sending out lots of resumes. He had one phone interview and it went well. He should here back after the first of the year if they want to interview him in person.
Chi is teething. He has all the symptoms, but it's been two days and no sign of an actual tooth (this will be the second; he does have one now). It is so frustrating. We really thought that once he finally got one, they would just all come in, but I guess that is not how it's going to work. He is still a happy little boy though. He walks around and points or holds up something and says, "Dih!" Which I am taking to mean "this" or possibly "what?" so I have taken to labeling things for him. If he holds up a sock, I say "sock," etc.
Gabe is tired of the way things are which makes him grumpy and whiny a lot of the time, but I try to remember that he is just four years old. And come to think of it, sometimes our situation makes me grumpy and whiny too. :) But he's doing okay. He's been enjoying his Christmas haul. We went down to the Children's Museum in Indy with Mike and Kathy and their girls. Gabe had a blast. All the kids did. They had the Yule Slide up. They convert the main staircase to a slide from the second floor down to the first. Gabe flew down the thing, laughing all the way. We all loved it (Matt and I couldn't resist going down either!)
So, while everyone is gearing up to celebrate the new year, we are gearing up to go home. We can't wait.