Chi and Gabe have been having us play Hide-and-Seek in the back yard. When it's Chi's turn to count he goes to the tree and hides his face and says, "nine...nine...nine..." Then turns around and says "Where'd they go?" On our walk today (past our soon to be new house, we couldn't resist), Chi kept stopping at trees and counting. It was funny at first, but we have A LOT of trees in the neighborhood, so it made our walk take quite a long time.
Other than trying to get the house, I've been getting ready for Gabe's birthday party. He's very excited about turning six. We are inviting his class and having a science party. The kids will be broken into groups and they will go do experiments at different tables. Matt is going to demonstrate some stuff that wouldn't be safe for them to do as well. I think it will be fun. Instead of the usual goody bags, I'm making a book of the experiments and why they work and each kid will get to take that home along with stuff they make during their experiments (slime, a tinfoil boat), I'll through in a pencil and a piece of candy or something. Personally, I think it's much nicer than the stuff that breaks in a day anyway, so I hope the parents appreciate that.
It looks like May is gearing up to be a busy month...I guess it always is!