Gabe has a new girlfriend. Well, he'll tell you he has two girlfriends because he still has Larsen too.
We went to Amanda and Mike's (or as we call him, CA, which is short for Commander Awesome) wedding this weekend. Gabe is still so excited that he went to Canada. Gabe was Ring Bearer (or Ring Master, as Sienna kept saying). So, through the course of his duties he met the Matron of Honor, Kim. He really liked Kim. He danced with her many times. Actually he also danced with Cindy, the other Bridesmaid and his cousins. He really didn't want to leave any girl on the sides. But he only had eyes for Kim. He was very proud that she told him her husband would be jealous of the handsome little man who was so attentive to her. :) Alas, it will have to be a long distance relationship since she lives in Virginia.
The kids were very cute that day. Here's a picture of the cousins: Chi, Sienna, James, Gabe and Sylvie.

I am taking deep breaths. I have counted to ten enough time to reach a million (well, maybe...) I love my kids. Really I do, but sometimes they drive me so crazy I just want to scream. I would love to escape to a sound proof room so that I don't have to hear, "Mom!"..."Mom!"..."Mom!" when they know they are supposed to be sleeping.
What is it with kids? It is like they know exactly when you don't feel your best no matter how carefully you hide it and that's when they pounce. That's when they decide even though they've fallen to sleep with no trouble many nights in a row, the night you need it the most, is the night they refuse.
I really have stuff to do that is impossible because of them. I also just really want to lay down and rest, but that's not going to happen either.
I love my kids...but grrr!
We had a busy long weekend. A football game, a play date for Gabe, a dinner with friends that went much later than expected, and a get together with another family. Chi crashed on the couch before dinner tonight. But he didn't stay asleep. He woke up at bedtime. So a warm bath, a story and to bed. It worked...for about an hour.
He walks out with his arms outstretched gesturing for us to keep our seats and said, "I'm awake. I'm awake." I couldn't help giggling. So he curled up with us and watched the end of the movie we were watching. But then I said bedtime. And he said, "No bedtime. I want Graump (meaning Grandpa)." He accepted that Grandpa had to be at his house and we had to be at ours. But it got me wondering how much he wriggled out of bedtime during his week at Mom and Dad's. :)