So, summer has been CRAZY! I tell a little and show a little. For Fourth of July we went to our city's fireworks display. We went early and the boys played in the spray park and we had some snacks while they played with friends. Chi hates the loud bang of fireworks, so a friend loaned us some headphone style earplugs. It helped so much!
Matt's parents came up for a visit and we wandered through the Dow Gardens.
Then we left on our massive trip. It felt massive. We covered a lot of miles. We had a nice visit with my parents and the boys went to VBS at my parents' church and they enjoyed that.
We also visited with our friends Brent and Amy. They took us to visit our old place in Joplin. There is more of it left than most of the neighborhood, but that's not saying much.
This is Brent and Amy's lot. It's been fully cleared now and ready to be rebuilt.
Amy took me to NKOTBSB: The New Kids on the Block Backstreet Boys reunion tour. We had lots of fun.
Then we traveled to Ohio for Lake Fest. Well, on our way, we stopped at Indiana State.
In Ohio, most of Matt's family was there and we swam, watched fireworks, saw old cars, watched a parade. The kids rode some rides. Unfortunately it was so hot! None of the fair food was so fantastic because it was just too hot to enjoy eating it.