What a week. It was a bit rough, but then Thursday happened. I was going home from work and a truck with a snow plow on it pulled out in front of me and hit my front passenger side. The car is a wreck. The hood is all folded up and the side is dented in. The passenger window was completely smashed and the side mirror was folded into the car. It was a big mess.
I walked away with a sore shoulder and an abrasion on my neck. And I was alone, so I am thankful for that. And a big yea! for Toyota's safety features all working properly!
We haven't received the official word yet, but we think they are just going to total the car, so we are going to have to go car shopping soon. It is not exactly the timing we would have wanted, but we were wanting to go down to one car and have that car be larger than the Corolla, so I guess we just have to move up our time table.
Well, it's been a long hiatus, but I will work at getting back to posting weekly. Malachi is now 2 months old and he is starting to show some personality. He smiles a lot, especially when you smile at him. He really responds to Gabe and I think he already wishes he could keep up with Gabe. Oh, in case you don't know or recall, Chi was only 5 lbs. 7 oz. when he was born; he is now up to 11 lbs. 12 oz! Growing like a weed. In two months we have gone from needing the "newborn" size clothes to being able to fit some 3-6 months clothes. Crazy.
Gabe loves being a big brother. I think he sometimes gets frustrated when we are focused more on Chi, but he really doesn't get that jealous. He calls Chi his baby. And one of the great side benefits for us, and I have no idea why now, but Gabe now just goes to sleep at night. No more needing us in the doorway or anything. It's fantastic. Now if I could just get the other one to sleep through the night... :)
Easter is fast approaching which means I am really busy at work. Maybe I am just getting the hang of things or maybe I am mellowing out, but I don't feel very stressed about it, just busy. Actually, I know what I want to get for Gabe's basket and so I am kind of excited. He likes the PBS show "Word World" and they now have toys. Everything in the show is made out of the word so the cow is made out of letters that spell cow. It sounds weird, but it's cute and well done. So I am going to get him a "Word World" toy. And I get to put Cadbury Eggs in his basket this year. Finally he likes something other than just plain chocolate and it turns out to be Cadbury -- he is definitely my child.
Matt just got back from the APS meeting, but unfortunately there are no job prospects. We hoped his network and his advisers would make this round easier, but I guess it is going to just be good old-fashioned job hunting.