What a week. It was a bit rough, but then Thursday happened. I was going home from work and a truck with a snow plow on it pulled out in front of me and hit my front passenger side. The car is a wreck. The hood is all folded up and the side is dented in. The passenger window was completely smashed and the side mirror was folded into the car. It was a big mess.
I walked away with a sore shoulder and an abrasion on my neck. And I was alone, so I am thankful for that. And a big yea! for Toyota's safety features all working properly!
We haven't received the official word yet, but we think they are just going to total the car, so we are going to have to go car shopping soon. It is not exactly the timing we would have wanted, but we were wanting to go down to one car and have that car be larger than the Corolla, so I guess we just have to move up our time table.
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