Saturday, January 29, 2011


Probably one of my favorite things about young children is the way they mix up language. Chi is no exception. 

"I carry you." He says this as he tries to get you to pick him up. He's just repeating the pronouns the way we say it to him. Pronoun confusion is hard to sort out. "No, you mean I will carry you." "Yes, I carry you." and round we go. :)

"Sit in my lap." When he wants to sit in your lap. Again for the humor of pronoun confusion.

"Please! Listen me!" He says every time he's not getting his own way.

I asked him if he had brushed his teeth (he usually does this with Matt, so I'm out of the loop), and he said with a big smile, "I brush my toothpaste." Which, I decided meant that he brushed with toothpaste.

R2-22 2 is what we call R2-D2 around these parts. Part of me hopes he never gets that right even though I know he will.

Instead of upside-down he says : up-i-di-di-down.

He also collects pemmies. That would be pennies to you or I. Actually, no, now to me they are pemmies. I suppose you could also have pemmies from heaben. This Christmas there were no Christmas wars for Chi because he sang, "jingle bells, jingles bells and glory to Gob in heaben!"

And of course the traditional lisp-y things like bafftime, and ss-anks you.

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