Monday, February 21, 2011

Snacolypse 2011

So, I voted that winter should be canceled on account of blizzard for Groundhog's Day, but poor Phil. They pulled him out anyway. We took pictures (not of Phil, of our blizzard), but I forgot to post them. Now, I am reminded though because following our spring like weather (which melted our many inches of snow) we have another snow that brought 8 more inches of snow. The names for these storms crack me up, but I invented my own: sna (short a) - co (long o) - lypse. The snow made me lazy; I just shortened the pronunciation on Snowpocalypse (the favored name around these parts). 

The snow was pretty deep. But before it came down, I had Matt knock down our gigantic icicles. We wondered how long they would get, but they were impressively long when we decided they had to come down.

There was blowing so none of our doors were very usable, including the garage. We had to push out there to get started.

We put Chi to work, you know, it can't all be fun and games. He has to earn his keep. ;)

The boys liked it, but they also got stuck a lot, so I don't know how much "fun" it really was. 

It was nice of our neighbor to lend us a snowblower. Check out Matt's beard though.

Gabe by the door, after shoveling, for scale.

1 comment:

Jen @ Domesticated Nomad said...

I should have mentioned that the snow was higher than our front porch! In the pic at the front of the house, the boys are sledding down a snow pile that they climb up to from the porch. The last picture is at the side door so that snow pile starts at ground level.