I have nothing to report except that I am sick. Matt is sick. Gabe is sick. Chi is sick. Gabe came down with the flu Sunday and missed the whole week of school. Actually his fever had been down and he was doing better Thursday morning so we sent him, and he was sent home early because his chills and fever came back. So he stayed home Friday. He looks better today and hasn't had a fever since Thursday, but I really didn't expect that last relapse, so I'm cautiously optimistic.
Matt has been sick most of the week, but has been taking it in stride. Still working and trying to take care of the rest of us. Normally when he's sick he is so cranky I feel like quarantining him on a count of that alone, so this is great. Though I am worried it will mean a longer recovery time for him.
I have not felt this bad in a long time. On Wednesday, Matt had an extra long day at work and I had both boys, and searing joint pain. I could barely move. I'm slowly recovering, but still have headaches due to the congestion.
Chi, we hoped was coming through unscathed. But Thursday night he woke up with a fever and threw up. He was so awful yesterday, but today he seems to have really bounced back. Probably because he kept sucking down juice all day yesterday and all night long. He really got fluids. He's not totally healthy, but he's probably recovering faster than the rest of us.
So, now all I want to do is air out the house and Lysol like crazy, but it's snowing again. I hate winter. It's just not sanitary to live in a shut up house for this long. I feel like it's Narnia and the Snow Queen is making it winter forever, and I really have no love for Narnia anyway. I really don't want it in real life.
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