Recently, I signed off my facebook saying I need to take a break. I have mostly had a break from the news, though I do check Al Jazeera English and NPR (you know, places with actual journalists) because sometimes my professors want to discuss how history is relating to current events. I have even wanted to pull back from my church. But why?
I don't really have the answer. But it's just this general sense of apathy and cynicism and even stupidity that I am just too tired to combat anymore. I am tired of watching people believe outright lies and based on those lies, making choices that go against their best interests. And if it was all altruistic, okay, then it's noble to choose against your interests for the interests of another, but I don't think the wealthy elite need that from us. Just saying.
People complain about lack of real leadership. And I agree. President Obama is one of the smartest presidents we have ever had. But that doesn't always help. Jimmy Carter was quite smart and wise to boot, but look how that turned out. We do need real leadership. But it's not just our country. Look at the world right now and show me a great leader. We have a bit of a drought going on right now.
So, obviously, I'm opposed to Republicans. I don't think I've ever hid that. I do think there is a place for conservatives in the larger debate, but I don't respect the party's current tactics or agenda, particularly as it pertains to women. Has the party been hijacked by the extreme right? Sure, but it is on every single person who claims to be a moderate of that party to stand up and do something about it and as long as they don't, it is agreement. Party politics are the loyalty far beyond the country right now. Far beyond. Will the Republicans tear down the country as we know it? Yes. The wealth divide will become greater. There will be less opportunity to move up in the class divide. And we will continue on a boom and bust cycle. Will this spell the end for the US? No. Will we maintain superpower status? Maybe not, but I'm also not sure that is such a bad thing. Countries who take this path, historically fall. But what I need to come to terms with is that I'm a small little person who no one is listening to. I can't control it. I can't even convince friends and family that supporting this new radical Republican party is bad.
I think going back to school for history is contributing. I'm up to my ears in the Cold War, and so very disappointed in our country. Mostly because we have apparently never stood up for democracy anywhere. Our country interests (monetary, authority) have always trumped our founding ideals. And that's just really depressing. Learning about colonialism shows how many of us still view things through the colonial lens, and yes, are racist without realizing. Things like "Well, it's great the Egyptians had a nonviolent revolution, but can they really manage their own affairs?" and the same comments about every other country, particularly African involved in the Arab Spring, is inherently racist. It was an idea planted by the colonial system to make it sound as if the natives, savages, needed our "civilizing" influence. It's sad that people still live with these notions. Though this undercurrent of racism is not anything new in the US. No matter the protests to the contrary, the vitriolic reaction about Obama's policy have much more to do with the man's race than anything. Where was the Tea Party outrage on government spending and overreach during Bush's years? It didn't come until now even though Bush spent like crazy and grew government much more. No President has before been disrespected in a joint session of Congress and no President has been denied the opportunity to speak to Congress. Ever. Until a black man was president. If you think race has nothing to do with it, then I'd like to move to your land of unicorns and candy coated streets. Join reality please. If people don't, then for sure nothing can be done about it.
Yes, these issues come to the forefront of my mind as I learn about history in greater detail. I think it is important to study history, but I have to figure out how to balance my disappointment with my desire to understand.
I don't know. Maybe it will help to get things off my chest this way.
-A flat tax is not fair. Think about who proposes this. It only ever comes from the wealthy. Question the motivation! Flat tax puts a heavier tax burden on those that can least afford it including the the teenager working in an ice cream shop to save for college. They claim it is fair. Really? Do you truly believe it is fair to tax the teenager, or the single mom just scraping by, at the same rate as the multi-billionaire? Don't try to rationalize. Be honest.
-Women have the moral capacity to judge for themselves what to do about their own reproductive health, including if and when to reproduce. No man can walk a mile in her shoes. Men have a history of walking out on women and their children, so why do they get a vote on it anyway? All rules, laws, etc. are not designed to help women in anyway or save unborn babies. It is a tool in the belt of subjugation. It needs to stop. Republicans left language in their budget that redefined rape, even after promising to take it out. If a man gets a woman drunk or drugs her, it is not "forcible rape" and she would be denied her right to abortion. Is that fair? It is definitely sick. The mind of those who could create this law are sick.
-Businesses would be healthier if we could trust them. Instead of trying to screw us out of money with the fine print, maybe they could just try providing great service so that we voluntarily give them money. Crazy idea, I know. I'm tired of being cynical every time I have to deal with a business or bank, but it's their fault this mistrust exists. I think it's time for them to fix it. But they beat the drum of deregulation in the name of free market. They don't want a free market! They have lobbied for a stacked deck. In a free market they would be required to provide good service or product. Don't be fooled.
-It depresses me that people have so little respect for higher education. Most people don't use Matt's title. He doesn't care, but I do. He worked hard to earn that title. My not using it, shows a lack of respect. People act like it's no big deal that I am trying to balance grad school with everything else. I always had some sense that grad school was difficult and time consuming. People act like I just told them I'm taking a workshop down at the Y. Come on.
-Tying into that, is a lack of respect for those who dedicate their lives to becoming an expert on a topic. Look at how readily they are dismissed by our punditry. Yes, punditry, that scientist does know more than you about climate change. It would be nice if the American public would take their heads out of the sand and learn from those who know more. Everyone has a more narrow view than actual reality. My classes right now are proving that.
-Don't freaking tell me to support the troops. You know what? I don't anymore. I don't support these pointless wars we are waging and a little conscientious objecting is in order. I get that troops have to follow orders for it to work, but they also are mandated to have a moral compass about what is going on. I support the general concept of what those in the military do, and know that much of it is necessary. But I don't support your choice to leave your family and go get killed to take a ridge that we have no intention of maintaining, that we are just saying hey, we are here. It's bullshit and it needs to stop. We are only there for money at this point and I don't find that a worthwhile thing to send men and women to die for, so no, I don't support that.
-Go get to know your neighbor! Have you seen the commercials for background checking every stranger you meet? Ridiculous! What's the deal with our crazy paranoia? Most people are just fine. Try getting to know people. That's the best way to combat crime and build relationships that strengthen communities. Stop constructing stockades (aka privacy fences), ignoring your neighbors, and being rude to passersby. It is acceptable to be polite and friendly.
Michigan is the land of the apathetic. It is also isolationist. They somehow think they know better than anyone how to run this. Really, when does one have to finally face all evidence to the contrary? I don't know. But we feel it even at our church. Almost every Sunday I find it pointless to go. I don't know how to fix that either.
I hope that by getting this stuff off my chest, I will be better able to shrug it all off and focus on the good. There is much good in my life right now, but I don't always feel it on a daily basis. I am easily distracted by shallowness of thought and action of those around me. I don't want to live that way. I want to live in a world where I can see good and be motivated by good.
I tend to avoid politics and am a registered Independent. But, I'm compelled to comment on this post.
The Republicans are not all wrong; the Democrats are not all right. My experience is that any group of people who totally blame another group of people will never be able to create change. Sorry - but this is where I see you at right now.
As the Hon David Walker (former US Comptroller General under Clinton and Bush)has said in talks: "the parties are being controlled by 'wing nuts'" (ie, the people on the extremes.) Some bipartisan sites to check out:;
The antidote to not seeing any good is to look for it every day because it's there. Maybe not where you want to see it but as you look for it you see it more and more.
and..I remember reading a story by a woman who wondered why she got up for church every Sunday when she wasn't getting anything out of it. Years later when she looked back on that phase of her life she realized all the positive it had provided to her. Remember, the antidote to apathy is action.
I'm also a registered Independent. I didn't think I said anything claimed Democrats are great. I'm not saying they are all good. I used to believe in the dual system as a sort of checks and balances, but when one party (Republican) gets up and says they are going to hold the system hostage to get what they want (their words, not mine. McConnell is only one who said it), that is despicable. It means you cannot work with these people. I don't think I am the one in this situation preventing change from being a possibility.
If those who are more conservative do not stand up and make their party more reasonable, then I cannot vote for a single one of them. It is the responsibility of the voters to take action. I'm not saying all Republicans are bad. But the federally elected ones are going along with extremism. And also in my state.
I do think Democrats are also responsible for our broken system as well. However, it is rare to find a Democrat that votes strictly party line, whereas it is rare to find a Republican today that doesn't just vote party line. I am so opposed to the entire Republican platform right now, there is no way I would vote for one and I do find it disturbing that people would even consider them when they vote to strip rights from women, lie and claim they will never compromise. Government doesn't function without compromise. That is where my problem lies. The last election was the first time I voted for all Democrats, and not out of a knee-jerk reaction. I did my homework. It may happen again. I won't know until I know who all is running in MI.
Iowa has more people who think critically, take voting seriously, and weigh the issues. Iowa had politicians that were more reasonable when we lived there. They are the crazy extremist here in MI and it's hard to face that and not get more than a little frustrated. It's hard to see voters who won't educate themselves.
On the other hand, although the Reps. defeated a bridge in the last Dem controlled session, they finally came to their senses. I don't care who gets the credit as long as they do what needs to be done. So, maybe there is hope that MI is coming back from the crazy edge.
I do believe we function best in the middle. I only wound up so far left because the conservatives moved so far right. I feel like Justice Stevens when he said he didn't shift in his opinion, the country did. I have been reading about some of the programs OH Gov. Taft implemented just a decade ago and all of it would be defeated by Reps. today. And he was a Republican! It's disturbing.
I do agree that I am probably getting something out of church even though it doesn't feel like it at the moment. I keep going, but again, there is no real activity there, so some days I am going to get down. I am working at seeing the good around me. This post was really just about having a good vent and getting it out of my system so I can focus on other things. I have a lot of blessings in my life. I just needed to scream a bit so that I can get back to the business of enjoying the good.
So this verbose is to basically say that I agree with you, but the bipartisan effort needs to step up and the moderates who claim they exist need to vote to prove it. Right now, the things I mentioned concern me most and that is coming from a particular source. Sometimes a group or person is just plain at fault. I believe they can correct it. I'm waiting.
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