Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Gabe's a funny kid...

Matt is in Florida for a physics conference, in a beautiful hotel overlooking Tampa Bay. Must be nice. Here it is cold and very windy. Gabe, of course, is trying to figure out where Matt is. I tried explaining to him that Florida is a place far away. I compared it to different places he knows to try to get the concept of different places. Just when I think we are getting somewhere, he says, "But we are in November. How can we be in November and Iowa?" Hmm. Good question. How do you explain time to a three year old. I tried many ways, but we didn't get anywhere. When he lost interest, I thanked God, and promptly dropped the matter.

The other weird thing Gabe is doing with Matt gone, is saying he wants Daddy and then running to the front door and knocking on it, as if Matt is just on the other side. I don't know where he got that from. We don't even play a game like that. By the way, it's Tuesday and Matt has only been gone since early Monday morning. I just can't wait to see what else the week will bring. Matt won't be home until Friday night. He gives his talk on Wednesday.

Once I get the computer back (Matt took it with him for his talk) I'll get the photos of Gabe from Halloween uploaded and post one. He was an alligator and I must say, seeing a three year old with an alligator tail swishing as he power walks was hilarious! He was nervous at the start of the the whole trick-or-treating process, but by the third house he realized that all he had to do was be brave enough to go to the door and they gave him candy. Then he was off as fast as his legs could carry him without running.

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