Tuesday, December 1, 2009

It's December.

Thanksgiving was nice. We went to Matt's parents and then visited the grandparents as well. It was good to see everyone. Nice and relaxed. We went downtown Ft. Wayne for the night that they were lighting the Christmas lights. We did not make it into the Christmas village display because the line was so long, but the animated windows at the Embassy were neat and the lights were pretty. The kids also got to see Santa and Mrs. Claus.

We have decorated. We used our small tree and placed it up on a table which is limiting how much damage Chi can do. He is having trouble understanding look but don't touch. But both boys are getting into the holiday baking with me which is fun.

Right now the semester is winding down. Matt is feeling pretty good about things. I've got a test this week, a paper due next week, and then my final. Gabe is learning a Christmas program for school and for church. We have plenty going on, but I am not feeling harried. I am trying my best to keep the holiday season enjoyable and not rushed feeling or overly busy feeling.

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