Friday, March 12, 2010

Marriage proposals and big boy beds

Some of the kids in Gabe's class were talking about getting married. Apparently a couple of them have decided to tie the knot while you have the prerequisite "ug, cooties!" crowd. Gabe told me about all of this and then told me, "I want to marry Larsen." (A girl in his class who is his closest friend so no surprise.) "But she won't talk to me about it." (Ah, Larsen, such a cold heart! ;) ) So Gabe is concerned because Larsen is the only girl he knows that he would marry and shouldn't they make plans? I reminded him that he's only five, so he has some time. He informed me that of course marriage would wait until they are old, like in college. But he still feels like it has to be decided now, and he has chosen Larsen.

Chi is in a big boy bed right now which has not been a smooth transition. We knew partly that night time went smoothly for us because he was trapped, but he's outgrown the pack n' play, so at least for trips he has to be in a bed now, so it just seemed right to try to get him into a bed. The problem is that he thinks getting up and running around is a really funny game. So bed time has lots of screaming and crying (from Chi too) and sitting guard outside the door. We are hoping he just gives up and stays in his bed soon.

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