Friday, February 25, 2011

Another week

So, I am trying my best to enjoy life, but the politicians are pissing me off. It's hard to focus on other things, especially when I am home all day and can so easily find out about things. By the way, McDonald's response to my letters was, "sorry we don't take any suggestions from outside the company." Which just points a finger to what is wrong with this place lately. No one listen to anything outside their insular group. Growing up I was so freaking patriotic, I teared up every time I heard the National Anthem, and I even embroidered 4th of July shorts and shirts for myself to wear. I loved history from a young age. I never thought I would witness anything like this. I'm supposed to have lunch with a friend tomorrow and I'm torn. She's leaving for China soon so I want to keep the lunch date, but I feel like I need to go protest. Will of the people, my a&#.

So, what is good? Chi keeps wanting to eat his "Quitos" which is fun. He means Cheetos. He has also taken to copying Gabe. This is funny, but annoying because because Gabe has spent the week mouthing off. So, Gabe gets mouthy and then you hear his little parrot repeating everything and sticking his bottom lip out. 

Sometimes I find it strange that Chi is so protective of Gabe. He doesn't like it when we send Gabe to his room or anything. He goes with Gabe or places himself between Gabe and us. But Gabe does not do these things for Chi. He's not exactly the nurturing type.

Gabe has officially started chores to earn an allowance. We tried to start this once before but we wound up picking chores that were just not easy to have Gabe maintain. So we decided we had to regroup and come up with stuff that is easy for him to do, easy to have him do (meaning not actually making life harder by having him do it), and easy to remember. So, he has to make his bed before school, sweep the kitchen floor after dinner, and clean the bathroom (just sink and toilet) on the weekend. The only one he doesn't like is making his bed. This list is good because quite frankly, I don't really care if his bed is made or not, I just want him to take some responsibility for his room. The floor needs swept all the time, so even if he doesn't do it well, it's better than nothing. And, the bathroom is not too hard and easy enough to go over if I need to when I clean the tub. It's definitely not creating any more work for me, and maybe it will be a little less.



Bobbie said...

This will play out ok, as long as they don't fold.
We ultimately hold the trump card: the voting booth and wrong laws can be righted.
Unfortunatly those people who voted them in got what they voted for. Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it!

Jen @ Domesticated Nomad said...

Hear! Hear! I'm actually becoming more optimistic because of the show of support over the weekend.