Thursday, January 8, 2009

This, then that

What a week. We got into our new apartment on Saturday and Jeff came to help us get stuff moved in. But then freezing rain hit and we had to stop, before we got our bed moved, so Matt and I are still on an air mattress. The boys have beds and we have living room furniture, dining table and chairs and enough kitchen stuff to cook. A friend offered to help this weekend, so we should get the rest of the big furniture soon.

Gabe was supposed to start school on Monday, but schools were delayed due to weather which cancels morning preschool. So we had to deal with first day jitters two days in a row. He seemed to really like it the first day, but then Wednesday was a bad day. He feels that two kids were making fun of him, but he may have just been overly sensitive when they were telling him the rules. So, then he spent three hours this morning trying to get out of going to school. Today was a better day though. It will take time to fit in since these kids have been together since the beginning of the school year, but I honestly didn't think it would be so hard in preschool. I do have concern as to whether or not the teachers are helping him fit in or not, but they addressed some of our concerns today so we will have to see how it goes. He also needs to learn that in a group of people, you won't necessarily like or get along well with everyone. He needs to learn how to deal with that.

Then Wednesday, Matt comes home to inform me that he lost his job. He had no idea what happened, he just got an email informing him that ISU refused his employment. Well, it turns out that bureaucracy reared its ugly head. Someone checked the wrong box on a form and that meant he wasn't eligible for the job, so they redid the paperwork, this time checking the right box and viola! he still has a job.

Seriously! Could anything just go smoothly for us?

Chi is one tomorrow! We are gearing up to celebrate. Gabe is going to help make his cake, and mom got him a Birthday Boy outfit to wear. So the week of ups and downs should end up.

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