Monday, March 2, 2009

I can breathe!...almost...sigh

Darn those boys and their icky germs! Gabe, Chi and Matt all had a cold and just as they were getting healthy and I was beginning the happy dance because I was coming through this bout of illness unscathed, I got the cold. I literally couldn't breathe at all through my nose for a full 48 hours. We are talking fully pacted in sinuses here. It was terrible. So, now I am in recovery mode. Breathing working, mostly, but I probably have a couple more days until I am free and clear.

Chi had his first haircut. At first I resisted, but I was giving Matt and Gabe their haircuts and I already had the scissors out. Matt has been complaining about how long Chi's hair was getting (it was all curly and sticking out in the back), but it took me awhile to be ready for the first haircut, but it's done and I must say it looks better now that it's not all crazy. Okay, I'll admit it...Matt was right. There I said it. :)

I went with Gabe's class for the bowling field trip. It was Gabe's first time. Of course, there were bumpers up so no gutter balls. Gabe was loving it and he actually got two spares! His score was a 92.

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