Sunday, April 26, 2009

Why Twitter and I don't go together

Twitter is all the rage, but I'm not buying in. It's not because I want to resist new technology, it's that I don't get it. My life is not that interesting. I have trouble writing this blog some weeks; what could I possibly tweet multiple times a day? Just got up. Or Thought about having Cheerios, but went with Frosted Flakes. Oh, yeah. That's riveting. And really, that about how exciting most tweets are.

Most people are not really interesting enough, but the problem is we think we are. It is really the most incredible exercise in narcissism ever. I wonder if any one ever cares what I write about on this blog, and here I am speaking to an audience of people who care about me (or they wouldn't be here). I just don't have the narcissistic chutzpah to believe twitter will make my life any more complete or that anyone will be better off knowing what I do all day long. I like to have some parts of my life private.

But that is another question. Why is there this obsession with privacy fences? Why are we so concerned with blocking out our real life neighbors, all the while putting our whole (boring) lives out there for literally anyone to read? I don't get it.


Bobbie said...

I'm with you, just heard an interesting fact on NPR about this:
most people who sign up for twitter drop it within a month or 2. Facebook has more long term users and uses.
Twitter is just what the name is:
makes a quick noise, then quickly becomes annoying, then you shoo it away or shut the door so you can't hear it!

Jen @ Domesticated Nomad said...

That's a great description! I love it.