Friday, May 29, 2009

Note to self: be more clear

Gabe has been dying to go swimming, but ever since they filled the pool it's been cold and/or rainy. So today, while we were on a walk, I said, "Let's go stick a toe in the water and see if it's warm enough." (It was in the mid-seventies, warm enough for a kid, maybe for me, but a little windy, so I had to see if I could take it before I made promises.)

Now, I am fairly certain that once I opened the gate I said, "Stick your hand in." But as I was doing just that, I look up to see Gabe standing at the steps, one foot in, one foot out. "It's warm enough, Mommy!" He exclaims. My mouth must have been hanging open. He still had on his shoe and he was wearing long pants.

So, I've learned. Don't use an expression with a five year old unless you really mean it.

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