Saturday, August 22, 2009

Bloody nose and banged shins

Boys are wild. Nothing in my two, when they are together, is at all demure or restrained. This leads to lots of breath holding and cringing on my part as I witness many near misses and some minor collisions. But last night, they were taking turns hiding in the curtains and screaming, and not seeing each other, both charged forward and Gabe's rock hard forehead smashed into Malachi's nose. Chi was crying and carrying on. We weren't sure at first because the blood was slow in showing itself, but then we understood the crying was much more than hurt pride and fear. Oh, he was so upset. It is hard because there is so little you can do for a bloody nose.

Earlier in the day, Gabe ran to shut off the tv and accidentally skidded on the wood floor (only socks on his feet) and smashed into the tv stand. He was in pain, and we were a bit concerned about his knee, but after some ice and rest, he was okay.

And today, neither is any worse for wear. You'd never know that both had to have ice packs yesterday by looking. I do not like that this is never going to end. My white hair is showing. I'd better go get some hair color.

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