Friday, May 7, 2010

Life with the boys

Chi says yes and nope a lot right now. If he really is upset he says "Noooooo!" It's never a simple no. If it is a simple no he says "nope." He also says "but" a lot. In the book Curious George there is a page where it ends with "George was curious. It looked easy. But -" then you turn the page. "Oh, what happened!..." So now, we don't know for sure what he means by it, but he says "but" all the time, seemingly in connection to some action taking place or something he wants to have happen. It's kind of funny. It reminds me of when Gabe was two and said "actually" all the time.

I also find it hilarious that Gabe thinks his PhD holding physicist dad is cool just because he once worked for Wendy's. See, to a five year old, fast food is something to aspire to. He also told me I was "magnificent" when I threw a double (the simplest toss) with my rifle the other day. With Gabe, it's the little things that impress him. I'm glad he doesn't set the bar too high.

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