Monday, September 13, 2010

Seeing Red

I am taking deep breaths. I have counted to ten enough time to reach a million (well, maybe...) I love my kids. Really I do, but sometimes they drive me so crazy I just want to scream. I would love to escape to a sound proof room so that I don't have to hear, "Mom!"..."Mom!"..."Mom!" when they know they are supposed to be sleeping.

What is it with kids? It is like they know exactly when you don't feel your best no matter how carefully you hide it and that's when they pounce. That's when they decide even though they've fallen to sleep with no trouble many nights in a row, the night you need it the most, is the night they refuse.

I really have stuff to do that is impossible because of them. I also just really want to lay down and rest, but that's not going to happen either.

I love my kids...but grrr!

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