Friday, January 14, 2011

This one's for Gabe

Gabe is taking swim lessons now at the community center since the summer parks and rec lessons were a complete waste of time. He's doing better with it. This also provides a break from gymnastics, mostly because my wallet wanted a break, but also, I don't want him to get bored. He can't advance to the next level until he's seven.

We are working with him on memorizing math facts using trusty ole flashcards. He's doing well. He already reached his 100 AR books goal so he's had his lunch with his teacher. Obviously we still read, but there is no more pressure to read only AR books. 

He drew a great picture of birds and bugs and worms and things. He is already showing a grasp on the concept of perspective. That's exciting to see because I haven't "taught" him drawing technique. But while he was drawing he kept saying callepitter instead of caterpillar. :) Hilarious. 


Andi said...

I love your Pooh quote! Isn't it amazing how we can appreciate pooh-isms so much more as adults?

Jen @ Domesticated Nomad said...

I agree, Andi! I love reading Pooh over again as an adult. There are so many layers of meaning in there.