Saturday, September 8, 2007

Everyone is okay

I think everyone is healthy now, or at least close enough. Last night I thought it was my turn to get sick, but I think I was just overly exhausted. I fell asleep at 3 pm and just couldn't wake up until after 7 pm. Unfortunately that meant I missed a picnic some people from Matt's lab were having. I was bummed out, but I know I have to take care of myself right now.

Matt and Gabe had a good time at the park with everyone though. I woke up in time to see Gabe a bit before he went to bed. And I was up to see "Psych." Have you watched this show? It's on USA on Fridays at 9 pm central. It is one of the most entertaining shows out there right now. I highly recommend it. I don't think I have looked forward to a Friday night tv show since I was a kid, but I love this one.

Tomorrow will be busy. It's Rally Day at church so Sunday school is kicking off. We are having an old fashioned picnic in the park and we are arriving at the park by horse drawn wagons. Should be fun. Matt is teaching the preschool class for the first half of the year. I know he'll do a good job, but I sort of wish some one else was teaching Gabe. I will teach high school as usual.

The baby has been moving a lot. Seems to really love dark chocolate. Well, either that or it's just such a sugar rush that he can't help bouncing all over the place, but every time I have dark chocolate it's like a mini tap dance in my belly. You can't feel him move from the outside yet though, but he's getting bigger because I feel the movements more and more each day. Oh, I know I keep saying he, but that is just a better neutral pronoun for a person than it. We won't know until Friday whether it's a boy or a girl.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excited about the baby, don't forget to let us know whether it is a girl or a boy.
Hi Gabe! We miss you!
Vinchi says "ARF ARF"
Grandma & Grandpa Vannette