Wednesday, September 19, 2007


This week has been incredibly long. Several people think I should be a pastor, but a week like this makes me feel like there is no possible way. I just take too much to heart and can't let it roll off my back. I felt more or less attacked at church council this week. Really, what it amounted to is that to make a point several people thought making me look bad was the easiest way to do it. I know I should let it go and move on, but I am very troubled by their attitudes and behavior. Not only because I wound up looking bad, but because two of the three were people that I thought were supportive of me and the ministry. It's difficult to want to even go to work when stuff like this going on.

Our babysitter has been out of town since Wednesday as well because her son is graduating from basic training. So Matt has had to stay home the most, but we've been bouncing Gabe around between us and friends. Today is all right though since I normally stay home with Gabe on Fridays.

We went to the library this morning because he wanted story time with songs. Our regular story time has lots of action songs and rhymes. Gabe's face just lights up the whole time.

I think Gabe is more excited now that he knows he is going to have baby brother. He talks about "his baby" more. I think he really got it when I sat him down and told him that they used a special camera to take pictures of the baby who is still in mommy's tummy. There is one picture where you can really tell the baby is sucking his thumb. Gabe just loves it. I think that picture made it real for him.

Matt is good. He has been happy with the way things are going in the lab. He gave a talk to his group last Monday and it went well. He also taught a class for a professor that was out of town. It was a graduate level course and he was nervous about knowing it all well enough to explain it, but it went well. In November he goes to Tampa for a conference and he is already a finalist so he has won a fellowship which has a small money prize and the presentations will be judged and he could win a larger fellowship.

1 comment:

Megan said...

Yay! I'm so excited you're having a boy. I think if you're thinking about being a pastor you should come to visit seminary. Chicago is a lot different then Story City. But I have to admit I'm not missing the drama of parish life. Remember: it's not you, it's them!