Tuesday, October 2, 2007


So, I am sorry that I haven't posted in more than a week. I've been a little blue lately, and didn't feel like writing about that, but I don't want to get in the habit of not writing.

I don't really know what's up with me. I know post-partum depression is common, but how about "partum" depression? I don't feel depressed exactly, and there is a lot of stress and frustration at work, but I feel disproportionately down.

Gabe is fun. He can spell mommy and he's working on daddy. He can recognize quite a few words and he wants to learn to read. I think I am going to make labels like "wall" and "door" and post them on the thing around the house. That way he can associate them and later I'll take them down and see if he can recognize the word. I think phonics are very important and we are working on letter sounds, but I think kids build early vocabulary by recognizing whole words. I am in both camps so we'll approach it both ways.

Matt is frustrated because he just can't get things done in the lab and he's up against a deadline for his conference in November. But he's done well with a paper that they submitted. He has a couple adjustments to make and then it will be accepted.

So that's where we are right now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The ups & downs of pregnancy. Stress & fatigue doesn't help!
Take care and pamper yourself once in awhile.
Gabe is really growing up, we can;t wait to see all of you!