Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Christmas Lists and Such

All right. For Matt's side of the the family, Christmas will happen at Thanksgiving so that is why I am doing this so early. I hope that you don't feel obligated to get us stuff. I am only doing this here because it's convenient for me.

Several have asked what we need for the new baby. Truthfully, not much, but here's a list of what I could come up with:
Ellaroo Ring Sling (this is a sling carrier that I saw a woman with and thought, I like that, I have only seen it online at Babies R Us)
Mother's Touch Bather or similar (this is a baby "bath" that instead of being a little bathtub, it looks more like a bouncy chair that you can put into the regular bath. I know I've seen other brands, but that's the only one I could think of)
Bobby Pillow
Cloth Diapers (to use as burp clothes)
Some winter clothes

For Gabe, as tempting as the large toys are, please don't buy anything that can't be broken down for storage! We are going to buy him one large toy this year, the Play Wonder Kitchen from Target.
To go with the kitchen:
bakeware set
cookware set
apron and chef hat
(he does have play food, but it's okay you wanted to buy something like that)
microphone (there are several, ones that are attached to a music player, etc. we would prefer one where the mic worked on it's own so he can either sing with music or tell knock-knock jokes)
Shake n' Go cars
He still likes Thomas but he has so much of that now, I wouldn't know what to tell you to get, but he does love a tee shirt that he will soon out grow because it is really an oversized 2T, so maybe some Thomas clothes. He's still a 3T.
Jungle Book DVD
Charlie Brown Christmas DVD
Frosty the Snowman DVD
art storage box
, these are only a couple inches tall and usually 11x17 or larger and designed to hold several drawings, etc. They sell them at art stores and Pottery Barn. (Believe it or not, I can handle get rid of some of it, but Gabe wants to keep everything, so we need storage.)

Matt wants a Segway. (I put this on here because he told me to have Gabe ask for one. These only cost $3,000, so don't even go looking, but feel free to give him a hard time.)

As for Matt and I, the stuff for the baby would make us perfectly happy. I haven't really given it much thought.
Matt would like the following DVDs:
Buffy, season 7
Spiderman 2
Harry Potter 5 (if it's out)
There are physics books I know he wants but a Borders or Barnes and Noble gift card is really the easiest way to go on that. If you want titles, let us know and I'll pin him down on that.
He could use new jeans 32 x 32 he prefers straight legs, and NOT the broken in look, his Old Navy ones have been favorites.
plain front cords, neutral color such as khaki, brown, grey, blue
tee shirts, M, just stuff he can wear to the lab, he's happy with plain colors.

I've been so worried about what the boys want or need that I haven't even given my list a thought. I'll have to get back to you on that.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the ideas!
Just a thought about stuff for the new baby, Gabe was born in warm weather, The little one will be born in
Iowa in the winter, how about winter stuff for a little one???

Jen @ Domesticated Nomad said...

True. We are waiting to get some stuff from my mom and dad's to go through because we also have some hand-me-downs from my sister whose son was born in January as well. I am sure we could use some new clothes, but we aren't desperate for a full wardrobe.

One thing I saw that would be good is those baby winter coat/bag things if you know what I mean. They have the body snowsuits, but I like the bag ones where you don't have to get your feet in separate legs.

vdthemyk said...

Good to hear that all is well and you're past the glucose test. Everyone is doing well here, except for Kathy, Sienna, and I. :)

We all are fighting a cold (we have it out numbered) and Kathy's headed to the doc today. We'll see how that goes.
