Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Trying to get back on track

I have been so thrown by Thanksgiving. It's been a struggle to get back into the normal way of things, which of course is not helped by the craziness that is December.

So, we are doing fine we are just busy. Matt is having success in the lab. He got some stuff he was waiting for from the machine shop and it works which is good. He said that was the best birthday present he got today. He is also is having success with understanding and interpreting their results.

Gabe is fine. We were finally having success with getting him to go to sleep better. But this week he has been back to his difficult self. I just don't know what to do anymore. We have been trying to keep things really low key before bedtime and I guess this week we haven't done as good of a job with it, so I guess we'll just have to try harder.

On the positive side, he has been so excited about Christmas coming. It's fun to watch. He gets frustrated because he can't remember all the words to "Frosty the Snowman." We try to tell him that nobody remembers all the words to Frosty, but he is determined to sing it all the way through. And it's nice because he's excited about the presents, but that is a very small part of his focus. He's more excited about lights and Christmas trees and stories and the Polar Express and candy canes. All the little things that add up to make this time of year special.

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