Friday, December 7, 2007

When I grow up...

Things will change soon enough. Matt is looking at where we are going when he completes his PhD in July. The short list from his advisers is Cornell, MIT, and Princeton for a post doc position. Obviously Matt has some say in where he goes, but it would be foolish to ignore the advice of his advisers.

All this thinking about Matt will do next, makes me also contemplate what I will do next. My short list is staying home with the kids (at least for a short time, not forever), finding another youth director position, or looking for something in art, preferably teaching related.

I just don't know what to do. I know that every generation who has work in youth ministry has felt ill equipped to handle the next generation of youth, but I definately feel that way. The kids today and the ones coming up need near constant activity, they need to do, not hear. As a person who enjoys activity but LOVES learning, I just don't know if I am well suited to this surface only way of things. That and the lack of parental involvement and concern is so frustrating to me. I do feel like what I do is important, but I often don't feel like the best person for the job.

I also miss art. I was a little tired of teaching when we left Boston, but I would have stayed with it if we had stayed there. It's hard to find art positions. One of my youth group kids is working on a self-portrait for art class and he's been coming to me for advice. It's been really great for me. I have been enjoying that more than my "day job." I think I was good at teaching art.

So if anybody knows what I should be when I grow up, let me know.

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