Friday, September 19, 2014

Can't Seem to Cross the Damn Road

So not getting used to which way cars are coming from. Got confused and stepped out and a car whipped around the corner and almost hit me. Good times. Not sure when I'll get used to this.

Things that are just different in weird ways:
  • They put yellow lines on the outsides of the roads and white in the center, but white also delineates the driving lanes. So basically there is no real guidance to where the center of the road is.
  • Yield triangles are painted on some of the lanes at intersections, but they actually look like pointing arrows...which would make you think that might be the direction cars head in if you aren't used to the whole driving on the left side of the road thing. Sigh.
  • Dish soap is washing up soap.
  • The exit is labeled "way out" and entrances "way in."
  • These examples lead me to believe they are fond of superfluous prepositions. I'll have to keep my eye out for more. :)
  • And, all things...haggis? I leave you with haggis crisps (their word for chips):

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