Thursday, June 26, 2008

Just another Thursday

Matt is in D.C. He left this morning and he had already met up with his group that is going to the conference. They will all travel to Lindau together. Bobbie is here to help with the boys, but since we made her get up so early to get Matt to the airport, she has today to recooperate from the travels and such. So the boys are at daycare. Today is normal for them although Gabe does know Matt is gone.

Bobbie tells me that Chi is actually bigger than Slyvie. He is a big kid, but I find that amazing. He is getting better at sitting up on his own. He is strong, but he hasn't coordinated everything for crawling yet. He is such a happy kid. I love getting him in the morning because he just looks up at you and then when he realizes you are there to get him out of his crib his face just breaks into the biggest smile.

Gabe has been learning the story of Moses at daycare. He made a staff/serpent and acts out the part where Pharoh wants a sign and Moses throws down his walking stick and it becomes a snake. Oh, he was thrilled by the idea of a burning bush and wanted to know if he could see one. (Personally I thought whenever God has spoken directly to someone they got roped into doing something that they didn't really want to do, so I wouldn't want to run into a burning bush, but I saved that thought for me. I just told him, I don't know if he'll see one. He'll just have to keep his eyes open.) He also sings the song "Pharoh, Pharoh" which is to the tune of "Louie, Louie" so that's fun. I think they are parting the Red Sea today. I hope that works out for them. :)

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