Monday, June 16, 2008

Lenny Kravitz can come to dinner

Matt introduced Gabe to Lenny Kravitz (a musician, in case you don't know) while riding in the car. Gabe particularly liked "Are You Gonna Go My Way" and likes to sing the guitar riffs. When Matt asked if he liked Lenny Kravitz, Gabe responded, "Yes. He can come to dinner."

What else are they doing? It's funny. Something happens during the day and we find it so humorous we say, I should put that on the blog, but then by the time they go to sleep and I can type in peace, everything just goes right out of my head. Malachi just grows and grows. He is now wearing 6-9 month clothes; I guess it's only a month early and that is not unusual, but he was so small when he was born sometimes it amazes me.He is capable of moving himself around, he just can't be bothered to do it most of the time. Last night Matt put him down in his crib with his head at one end, and in the morning his head was at the other end. He can sit on his own very briefly, but he's improving each day.

Last week Gabe went to Vacation Bible School. Our church and another church partnered for it, so he went to a different church each day. He really liked it, but was so tired and whiny each day. It was a lot for him. He was upset that it was only a week long, but somehow got it into his head that the reason it was short was that it was just a practice for preschool. He decided that he is ready for preschool. The kid really cracks me up. Where does he come up with this stuff?

Matt leaves in a week and a half for his European adventure. First to Germany for the conference and then to the Netherlands for his job interview. We just rented a storage unit. We are going to start moving stuff that we don't use into the unit this week. Our goal is to move stuff so that it isn't a mad rush to figure out where we need to stick everything at the end of July. Matt gets back July 9 and I leave on the 12th for a week trip with the youth group. Once I am back, there just isn't a lot of time before our lease is up. And no, we don't know what happens at that point. And yes, we are stressed out about that, but it is what it is.

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