Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Why we need to pay attention

George Bush is not dumb. He's calculating and he uses his "dumbness" as a wall to hide behind and we've been letting him. Have you had enough war yet? Are we any safer? Ha. Well, pay attention folks because Bush has been gunning for Iran and he is following a plan we were blindly ignoring.

Did you ever ask yourself, why after all this time did Bush want to get involved int the "peace process" with Israel and Palestine? Bush is so very clever. What is the only thing Americans pay attention to in an election year? The election. Bush has a great excuse for closed door meetings with the Israelis that dosen't raise suspicion because it's all about peace with Palestine.

Our country has been pretty clear that we don't want to go to war with Iran too. (By the way, if we do forget driving anywhere, gas will be for the rich only.) Congress may actually wake up and not give it's consent. So, Bush has planned the way around that. Make Israel do it. It hasn't consistently made top news, though it should have, but Israel is threatening to bomb Iran to take out their nuclear infrastructure. If they do that, Iran fights back and as Israel's ally it will be our responsibility to go to war with Iran.

It's the perfect plan really. That truce right now. It's only in Israel's interest to have a truce so that it can focus it's attention on Iran. And yes, Iran's leader is a nutjob who hates Israel, but the people of Iran don't want to go to war. Are we really morally prepared to kill innocent people because one guy likes to strut and talk big? Are bombs really the only solution. No one is under direct threat right now and Ahjmadimijad is an elected leader who won't be in office forever.

Our president loves being a war time president and why not? Everyone he's tied to is getting super rich. His administration has not been a failure as so often said lately. It's been a tremendous success if you care more for corporate power and money than actual living and breathing people who make up the majority of this country. It's time to say no more. Don't pretend he can't do anything as a lame duck.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

OK, Jen have you not studied history of the Middle East. Israel has done the dirty work for the U.S. often in the past. That why we are so connected to them. You also need to study what extremist in the Middle East think of the U.S. And yes there are many extremist in Iran. If Iranian government could take out the entire U.S there would be celebrations all over Iran.
You know I don't like war and prefer peaceful discussions, but most dictators do not talk unless their backs are against a wall.
Why is everyone so much more concerned about the Middle East, when Africa is doing more to destroy lives. Could it be oil?