Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Boys

Yesterday Gabe rode on a float in a parade. Every year Story City celebrates Scandinavian Days which means I had to learn to spell Scandinavian :) But more importantly, they always have a parade and the church always has something in the parade, so Gabe rode his first float. It is a long parade route and he was loving it at first, then he got a bit tired and then he just broke down when he wanted off. In all fairness, I told him the end was at the church and we got to the church and went right past. The parade was over but we had to take the float back to the garage. So anyways, he just started crying when we didn't stop at the church. But now he remembers the event fondly.

We were going to take in some of the events today, but the rainy weather has kept us home. We are not personally dealing with flooding, but there has been flooding in the area and it is going to be a problem again. All the rivers around us are already above flood stage and it keeps raining. Today we questioned whether we would be able to get to the church because of the water, but we made it. I have to go back tonight for youth group, so hopefully I'll get through all right. I have two spots to get through that have the potential to flood.

Chi, Gabe and I have all been fighting a particularly nasty cold. I have been sick for a full week now and Gabe is just over a week. Chi is at about a week as well. We are just so stuffed up and having a hard time breathing.

Otherwise Chi is doing well. He has decided that rice cereal and even oatmeal is not that great, but vegetables and fruits are fantastic. His favorites are peas, green beans and bananas. He stares jealously any time anyone is eating. He is so ready for regular food; too bad he can't actually eat it yet. He can roll, but doesn't do it much. He seems to think there isn't much to be gained in rolling. He also enjoyed his first experience at the swimming pool. He liked kicking and he also liked floating on his back.

Oh, and speaking of the pool, Gabe is growing up. He now jumps off the edge into the shallow end with no help. He doesn't want to be caught anymore. It's a little hard to adjust to him not needing me, but it is nice to see him so brave and independent and confident about it.

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